
Presentation and Minutes of Meetings to download

Joint Bioeconomy SWG and BBI SRG Workshop „Integrating the agricultural primary sector in the sustainable bio-based economy”
You can download the presentations in a password-protected section here.

Series of workshops on the “Policy Support Facility (PSF) on Bioeconomy”
Presentations and reports from workshops

Presentations and reports from workshop “Advancing the Creation of Regional Bioeconomy Clusters in Europe”
The European Cluster Policy (Hélène-Diane Dage, European Commission, DG GROW.F2) 
Introduction of the BIOEAST initiative (Barna Kovacs, BIOEAST Secretary General)
Report of the workshop

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SKIA) details themes, instruments, tools and measures to bring the European bioeconomy forward under the next Framework Programme “Horizon Europe” as well as the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan.

The SKIA was developed by the BSW in close collaboration with the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE).

BSW Technical Note
The BSW discussed at its Meeting in Helsinki on 7 June 2017 the relationship between the Circular Economy and the Bioeconomy. Starting point of these deliberations was the visit to the 1st World Circular Economy Forum held in Helsinki on June 5 and 6.

The Technical Note "SYNERGY AND ADDED VALUE OF BIOECONOMY AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY" details the views of the members of the BSW. It highlights the synergies between these two policy initiatives, explores their unique features and argues for better definitions, stronger policy interactions and joint developments.

BSW Policy Brief Document
The BSW discussed at its Meeting in Paris on 23 and 24 February 2017  the Member States' and Associated Countries' needs regarding the current refresh and potential future revision of the EU Commission's Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan. The members of the BSW highlighted the need for a full revision of the Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan and gave concrete recommendations for the future development of the EU bioeconomy. The conclusions of the BSW and its recommendations are detailed in a Policy Brief document which was discussed at the SCAR Plenary meeting on 21 June 2017. The Policy Brief represents the views of the members of the BSW.

Final report on the joint SCAR SWG SBGB and DG-JRC Bioeconomy Member States survey Presentations and minutes for the CWG “Integrated Biorefineries”.
In order to keep you updated on our work, we provide documents from our meetings, especially minutes and key presentations.
Since the Bioeconomy covers many different economic sectors and multiple areas of research and development, we also provide documents from other relevant SCAR Groups, especially the Collaborative Working Group “Integrated Biorefineries”.

Presentations and Documents presented at the 3rd Bioeconomy Stakeholder Conference
Brochure on the Bioeconomy jointly prepared by the SWG and the Bioeconomy Panel Thematic Working Groups
Presentation on the joint questionnaire on the Bioeconomy by the SWG and the JRC Bioeconomy Observatory
Presentation by the Dutch representative of SCAR on the work on Bioeconomy in SCAR working groups

Presentations and minutes for the new Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group BSW and the old SWG “Sustainable Bio-resources for a growing Bioeconomy”
Terms of Reference for the Strategic Working Group
Notes of the Kick-off Meeting on September 7 2012
Notes of the 2nd Meeting
Notes of the 3rd Meeting
Notes of the 4th Meeting
Notes of the 5th Meeting
Notes of the 6th Meeting
Notes of the 7th Meeting

Presentations and minutes for the CWG “Integrated Biorefineries”
Presentation on the aims and scope of the CWG Integrated Biorefineries at the Kick-Off meeting...
Minutes CWG Integrated Biorefineries Kick-Off Meeting November 13 2013
Minutes CWG Integrated Biorefineries 2nd meeting February 27 2014
Minutes CWG Integrated Biorefineries 3rd meeting September 18 2014

Reports from the activities of the new Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group BSW and the old SWG “Sustainable Bio-resources for a growing Bioeconomy”
Study of the nova-Institute on the State of play of Central and Eastern Europe’s bioeconomies
Report of the Natural Resources Institute Finland on Synthesis on bioeconomy monitoring systems in the EU Member States
Final report on the joint SCAR SWG SBGB and DG-JRC Bioeconomy Member States survey
Report by Aarhus University on Mapping Sustainability Criteria for the Bioeconomy

Reports from the activities of the the CWG “Integrated Biorefineries”
White Paper of the Collaborative Working Group “Integrated Biorefineries” of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research